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Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Railway budget to have SMS complaint facility for unhappy passengers

... no funds allocated for addressing the complaints.

Railway Minister, Mamata Bannerjee, is pleased that the SMS complaint facility will be set up even if it is of limited use.  "At least people will have the feeling that they can report their grievances."  In response to claims that the measure is half hearted, Ms. Bannerjee responded: "We will have the team we can afford."

"When you have a Rs. 4,000 crore shortfall in the railway budget, you have to get creative," said Ms. Bannerjee.  Ms. Bannerjee has also created a new list of SMS abbreviations to ensure that her staff will be able to understand the complaints.

"TNW: Toilet Not Working."

"DAATW: Driver Asleep At The Wheel."

"MAATW: Minister Asleep At The Wheel"

"FSLMF: Food Smells Like Monkey Feces."